Friday, September 19, 2008

after call work

trixie, my college friend, inspired me to start "resurrecting" my blogspot mania again. i actually have one a few shakes back, which, after a few hundreds of online account (ie friendster, multiply, yahoo, gmail, hotmail, facebook, topix, daylife) i have been maintaining, i lost my password and never found it again. the "forget password" option no longer works for me as the email I used in hotmail was long forgotten too. darn.

well, this is just one-of-those-blogspots you'll encounter in the worldwideweb so don't expect much. i don't have dreams of being discovered as a blogging sensation (as that of ihatecofi *ha ha love that site) or something close to the effect Charice has brought to oprah and ellen. non of those. though expect much of spurs of the moment, out of the blue topics and perpetual jabbering. how can you blame me? im a kolgirl afterall? call girl. a girl who works in a call center. call center girl. call center girl supervisor. ahahaha. sumthing to that effect.

see? jabbering.

you have been warned.

1 comment:

Treksi said...

Welcome back, Lazarus.